Aerial Sling - Intermediate 1

Aerial Sling - Intermediate 1

Aloft Circus Arts
No dates scheduled yet
1h 30m, 4-weeks course

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Round these parts we like to call it the "squishy trapeze". If trapeze is too painful and silks are too much on your upper body, you might want to check out a sling class! While in our upper level sling classes we get pretty nitty gritty with the tough stuff, our beginner level is one of the most accessible aerial classes that we offer. Start here to get your confidence up for silks or trapeze--its like the had a baby! PREREQUISITES Static warm up materials - everything from advanced beginning plus single knee can can/ronde de jambe, Russian roll, serpent back balance roll to hip hang, front balance to fake arm breaker, tuck rock/pike arrows. Dynamic warm up materials - everything from advanced beginning plus hollow beats from hanging/drop down to crucifix, reaching up above the feet out of crochet beats. Drops - everything from advanced beginning plus storm trooper, bomb drop. Other - invert from a bent arm hold, ability to hold a straddle in the air. *instructor permission required before moving into this level, drop ins/visiting students may be approved on a case by case basis.