Rope - Beginner / Adv beginner

Rope - Beginner / Adv beginner

Aloft Circus Arts
No dates scheduled yet
1h 30m, 4-weeks course

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Silks too dainty for you? Maybe you should try rope? Rope is like silks' cooler, tougher older sibling. Rope combines dynamic, momentum-based movements with intricate pathways and wraps. On rope you can be a cowpoke or a wizard, magically tossing the rope just into place with a flick of the wrist, then pirouetting effortlessly back to earth. LEVELS AND PREREQUISITES BEGINNER: requires completion of ABC (Aerial Basics Class) silks, as many of the fundamental principles of rope can be more easily achieved on silks at the Intro level. thus ensuring that the class continues to progress together without having to repeat the basics. Regular climb (to 17 ft), Russian climb (to 17 ft), Hip Key theory (wrap on ground and feel hang), Footlock with hands, Footlock with feet (seated on ground), Inversions on the ground (right/left), 4 hangs. ADVANCED BEGINNER: 2x Straddle Ups (bent arm, bent leg): 1 back to bent arms, 1 back to straight arms; Hip Lock (scissor legs) (R&L); Straddle Climbs (2) → To descend: straddle up to Star Descend, Single Star Drop (R&L),