Rope - Intermediate

Rope - Intermediate

Aloft Circus Arts
No dates scheduled yet
1h 30m, 4-weeks course

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Silks too dainty for you? Maybe you should try rope? Rope is like silks' cooler, tougher older sibling. Rope combines dynamic, momentum-based movements with intricate pathways and wraps. On rope you can be a cowpoke or a wizard, magically tossing the rope just into place with a flick of the wrist, then pirouetting effortlessly back to earth. LEVELS AND PREREQUISITES INTERMEDIATE: 2x Straddle Ups (bent arm, straight leg): 1 back to bent arms, 1 back to straight arms. 1x Straddle Up (straight arm, bent leg), 6 solid bell beats, 3 solid pike beats.