Aerial Slings - Beginners

Aerial Slings - Beginners (1h 15m)

Flying Fantastic
No dates scheduled yet
1h 15m
Southwark, London

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Aerial Slings is a great way to get into aerial. For many it's an ideal introduction to the aerial arts. A soft fabric hammock, that provides you support when in the air. What's not to like? This is a beginners level slings class. If you're looking to kick start your aerial career, then there's no better place to start! As with most of the aerial apparatus, your core is the focus whilst moving through the Aerial Slings, helping to improve both posture and stability. The slings are similarly set up to Aerial Yoga, albeit at a greater distance off the floor. The Aerial Slings are also particularly adept at accessing and broadening your shoulders, making for a seemingly easy but challenging workout. Block booking: £100 for 4 classes - £25 per class valid for 8 weeks £185 for 8 classes - £23 per class valid for 8 weeks New Customer Offer: £55 for 3 classes - valid for 1 month