Simply sitting in the aerial hoop feels iconic, elegant and exciting. You’re suspended in mid- air, preparing for your next move – will it be the mermaid, man-in-the-moon or the gazelle? You’re in control and it feels exhilarating.
The aerial hoop (sometimes called lyra, aerial ring or cerceaux) is a circular steel ring suspended from the ceiling. Sit in it, stand on it and hang from it as you hold stunning poses and splits that develop your agility, coordination, flexibility and strength. As you progress you’ll dazzle your friends with spinning, dynamic routines in mid-air and even create your own.
The aerial hoop is a fun workout that’ll work its magic on your whole body, building strength, stamina and flexibility. You’ll develop a superhero-strength core, allowing you to execute every move with confidence and control. Your upper body will become a powerhouse of muscle, definition, flexibility and agility. And inside your mind? You’ll feel free, less stressed, more focused and ready to achieve anything.
Wear something tight-fitting that won’t get in the way, but flexible enough to move in. It’s a canny idea to layer up with legwarmers, long socks and gaiters to avoid bumps and bruises on the backs of your knees, elbows, wrists, back and hips.