Dance Trapeze

Dance Trapeze (1h 15m)

Flying Fantastic
No dates scheduled yet
1h 15m
Southwark, London

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One of Dance Trapeze’s biggest strengths is being able to work between the floor and the air. However, for some of us aerialists, the ground can seem daunting at times. This class is all about getting over that hesitation and playing with the floor and the trapeze at the same time! We will work on technique, pre-defined sequences, improvisation and creation, exploring the huge variety of options that Dance trapeze gives us, feel more comfortable, and most of all to have fun and play! Block booking: £100 for 4 classes - £25 per class valid for 8 weeks £185 for 8 classes - £23 per class valid for 8 weeks New Customer Offer: £55 for 3 classes - valid for 1 month